Thousands Protest in Malaysia's Capital: "Thousands of protesters have descended on Malaysia's capital - despite the closing of key roads - to attend a banned rally demanding electoral reforms. Police fired rounds of tear gas and used water cannons to disperse the crowds. Police in the capital said more than 1,400 people were arrested Saturday. Most were expected to be released within a few hours.
... The government had declared the rally illegal. Police sealed off key roads, deployed water cannons and then opened fire with tear gas as crowds formed and attempted to march towards the iconic Merdeka Stadium, where independence was declared more than half a century ago. Stampedes followed, and the crowds dispersed into smaller groups and taunted riot police armed with batons, guns and shields.
The opposition-backed rally was the culmination of weeks of intense pressure on Prime Minister Najib Razak's long-ruling coalition to make election laws fairer and more transparent ahead of national polls expected in 2012. Opposition leaders accuse Najib's ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO) of relying on fraud to maintain its 54-year hold on power.
The government insists the current electoral policies are fair. ..."
要開工了 小英:大家動起來!
4 weeks ago