Antibiotic-Resistant MRSA in Livestock May Spread to Humans "... Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a strain of staph bacteria that does not respond to antibiotics used to treat staph infections. About two out of every 100 people carry this strain of staph, according to the National Institutes of Health, and infections can be minor to severe. .... Once the strain infected livestock, the strain likely changed into several different types, some of which are resistant to various antibiotics, said Fitzgerald, and it is now a two-way street. .... The overuse of antibiotics in food animals for growth promotion allows for various strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria ....."
自由電子報 2012 Feb 21 〔編譯林翠儀/綜合報導〕日本關西電力公司二十日深夜將對位於福井縣的高濱核電廠三號機組進行停機定檢,這座核反應爐停機後,關西電力公司所屬十一座反應爐機組也全數進入停機狀態。目前日本五十四座商用反應爐中,僅剩二座維持運轉,但這二座機組也預定三、四月進行停機定檢。換言之,在此之前若無其他機組重新啟動商轉,日本將在四月底暫時告別核電,依賴火力發電照亮供電黑暗期。
"Members of SFT and TYC kicked out of Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC after unfurling a Tibetan flag and chanting as over 200 Chinese delegates greeted Xi Jinping, China's next President on February 13th."
"20 brave and peaceful Free Tibet activists verbally annihilate 100s of Chinese 50 cents Party during Chinese Vice-Presidents Xi Jinping's visit to Muscatine, Iowa in USA (February16, 2012)."